Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lanie Kate {4 month update}

Little miss Lanie Kate is 4 months old already! Time is flying too quickly. 
 Yesterday she had her 4 month check up complete with shots which she was a total champ for and which completely knocked her out for the rest of the day. So I had the rare opportunity to snap a few pictures of her sleeping {which is a rarity during the day for her...}. Love what a sweet peaceful angel she is! I got to pretend she was a newborn again during Q's nap and I snuggled her while she slept and loved every second!
LK's 4 month Stats:

weight: 12 lbs {8%}
height: 24.5 inches {47%}
head: 41 cm {59%}

She has made percentage progress in all areas.  Good job little preemie!  Though it baffles me that someone with those sweet chubby cheeks is only 8% for weight- haha! 

Doc was impressed with her strength, abilities, and sleeping habits. As you can see she can easily hold her head and chest up. She can put some weight on her legs and she rolls tummy to back both directions and tries to roll back to tummy but gets stuck on her side. She sleeps 7:30pm till about 7am generally.  And since babies her age only need about 13 hours of sleep a day {on average} and she gets over 11 hours at night, she rarely takes long naps {sad for mommy}. She continues to be the sweetest, easiest baby I have ever known. She loves people and attention and her favorite thing is to have staring {and smiling} contests with anyone whose attention she can capture.

And... her lastest thing is sucking her thumb, much to our dismay.  We have tried to make her a pacifier baby and she will take a paci sometimes but prefers her thumb :-( Not looking forward to breaking that habit sometime in the future, so much easier to just take a paci away like we did with Q at one and a half. Oh well.

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