Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Evening Rituals {This Is Our Life Project}

 I thought it would be fun to jump on board with the Paint the Moon "Lets Do 52" Photography Project: "This Is Our Life." After all, documenting our life as our kids grow up is why I enjoy photography! 

The theme for the first week was Evening Rituals which in our house means bedtime routines; reading a book of Quinn's choosing {which lately has been "Pigs Make Me Sneeze" from the Elephant & Piggie Series by Mo Willems}, reading a prayer from Real Wooly "Bedtime Prayers" book, talking about prayer requests, praying together, and finally singing "Jesus Loves Me." It is one of our absolute favorite times of the day snuggling together at the end of the day, tickling, giggling, and thanking God for all the blessings in our life.
Q loves time with daddy and it is so nice that during shore tour daddy is around for the bedtime fun

My Favorite because I can hear Q's hysterical laugh when I look at this

Don't look now Q, there is a bear on your head!
Another VITAL part of bedtime is "bear" {the white furry blanket with a bear head on top of Q's head}. In fact we don't say, "time for bed," we say, "time to go see bear" since he only gets bear during nap and night time.
About to drift off. Sweet dreams sweet boy!
After little man is tucked in for the night it's Lanie Kate's turn. It is the one time of day when I pump {I didn't think a picture of that was necessary!} so that Daddy can give her a bottle before bed.

LK Gripping Daddy's Fingers

1 comment:

Molly said...

We love love love the "Pigs Make Me Sneeze" book!!