Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Baby Boy GJR!

 Our friends, the R's, recently added a new addition to their family and I had the privilege of taking a few pictures of them and their sweet little baby boy G! These were taken on G's 1 month birthday :-)

Big sister wasn't too interested in posing for pictures but daddy wrangled her into one.
 I also had the chance to throw my girlfriend S a belated (as in... after G was born because I was out of the country beforehand) surprise baby "sprinkle." With the help of her hubby we were able to pull off the surprise. I love S's daughter D's face in the pic above as we all yelled "surprise" when they opened the door!

 I was able to plan the shower while our good friend C (on the left) was visiting from out of town so that she could be part of the festivities.  These are some of my favorite people ever and I do not know what I would do without these girls!

I came to regret the choice to decorate with fresh flowers. Thanks to my own pregnancy heightened allergies I was a total basket case after having those in my house! 

If that beautiful mama smiling at that sweet baby boy doesn't make you want to have more babies then I don't know what will! 

Congrats R family!

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