Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Fromille family is growing!!!

As previously mentioned in my last post, we are actually still pregnant!  As it turns out I did not miscarry.  I had an OB appointment about a week after the "miscarriage" to make sure that every thing had resolved itself properly.  Sam offered to go with me to the appointment but I said there was no need, it would be easier for him to keep Quinn at home.  As I was sitting on the exam table waiting for the doctor to come in I suddenly changed my mind and wished he was there. And a few minutes later when the doctor did an ultrasound revealing a perfectly healthy little baby with a good heartbeat I really wished he was there!  I was in total shock.  I will spare you the details of the "miscarriage" but I didn't think there was any way possible there was still a healthy baby in there. Unfortunately the baby wasn't the only thing the ultrasound showed. There is also a mass {likely a blood clot} that the doctor says may or may not cause any complications for the pregnancy.

I was shaking as I drove home and I burst into tears as soon as I got home and saw Sam.  We had spent the past week thinking of all the good things about not being pregnant and we were about to leave the country in 5 days and a complicated pregnancy was not something we were counting on. Even though we were obviously thrilled that the baby was okay, it was just such a shock.  We had been previously unable to contact Tricare Overseas (our insurance) regarding my care while in Singapore and were concerned because technically Sam's orders are unaccompanied so the military doesn't necessarily have to provide routine health care for me there. Sam spent the whole day on the phone trying to get more information and we figured out that I just needed to switch back to Tricare Standard {what I was on when I was pregnant with Q so I could go to whatever doctor I wanted} and we would have to pay 20% of any health care bills while overseas but maternity care when I return to the US would be fully covered. Knowing that I would be able to get regular prenatal care in Singapore helped us decide to continue with our travel plans and just change my return ticket so that I will return to the US just before my 3rd trimester begins so that I will not have to do the marathon travel late in my pregnancy.

Now we are here in Singapore and I am trying to find an OB.  I have a list of a few from Tricare but the only one that I've been successful in contacting is no longer accepting new patients.  So please pray that I am able to find a provider soon!  My OB in Cali wanted me to come back in this week to check on the other mass but obviously I haven't been able to see anyone yet and I'm hoping that I can get in soon for some peace of mind.

Thank you all for the amazing support when we thought we had lost the baby.  It means so much to have so many people that care about us and are praying for us!  And thank you so much for caring enough to read my little updates:-)

1 comment:

Kimber said...

So happy for you guys! That is great news. I'll keep you in our prayers as your pregnancy progresses. :)